What makes the Guides at Trout Yeah unique is the ability to guide and catch fish on many streams in Pennsylvania. Both Josh and Joe are seasoned competitive anglers who have logged many hours fishing around the world and in regional and national competitions. Competitions and their involvement coaching the US Youth Fly Fishing Team have helped to shaped Joe’s and Josh’s fishing and teaching approach. Join us fishing a day for trout in Pennsylvania & Maryland or a steelhead excursion in the tributaries to Lake Erie in Pennsylvania & Ohio.
Our guided fly fishing trips for trout range from the Pittsburgh area to North & South Central Pennsylvania, and in Maryland. The majority of our trips take place from Bedford to State College PA. Steelhead fly fishing trips centralize around Erie in Pennsylvania to Conneaut Ohio. No previous fly fishing experience necessary!
Little Juniata River
The Little Juniata or "Little J" is a 35 mile long limestone influenced stream near the town of Altoona that flows into the Juniata River. We concentrate on the 13 mile Class A stretch below the town of Tyrone in Blair County. The Little J holds the states top numbers of wild brown trout per mile.
Spring Creek
Known for "Fisherman's Paradise." Spring Creek is one of the best trout fishing streams in the commonwealth. With fertile tributaries like Logan Branch, Cedar Run, Buffalo Run and Slab Cabin, Spring creek is a Class A brown trout stream near State College in Centre County.
Yellow Creek
A Modest sized freestone stream heavily influences by springs and limestone near Bedford county near the town of Loysburg. Yellow Creek is also stocked by the state. It also has a Fly Fishing Only section. The stream is full of beautiful runs and pockets making it great for euro nymphing techniques.
Big Fishing Creek
A Mix of freestone and spring creek, BFC is one of our favorites. Challenging but rewarding wild brown and brook trout. Also known as BFC to the locals. Awesome pocket water bouldery stream near Lamar, PA. BFC is a Class A Brown trout fishery.
Penns Creek
Starting at the famous Penns Creek Cavern located near Centre Hall Pa. Penn's travels 61 miles until its confluence with the Susquahanna river in Selinsgrove. The gorge stretch around Ingleby to Poe Paddy State Park is where we concentrate our fishing efforts. Penn's Creek is well known for its epic hatches including the Green Drake, Sulfur, Caddis, Hendrickson and many others. Penn's is a class A brown trout limestone influenced pocket, riffle and run river. Coburn, Pennsylvania
Neshannock Creek
Western Pennsylvania’s premier keystone select stream. Neshannock has a few mile Delayed Harvest stretch near the town of Volant, Pennsylvania.
Elk Creek
Elk Creek is arguably the best steelhead watershed in Pennsylvania. Located near Girard, Pennsylvania
Yellow Creek Trout Club
We have private access to guide Yellow Creek Trout Club in Homer City, Pennsylvania. The Club stocks some large fish up to 30”.
We also guide some lesser knows streams, and stream names we won’t post online!