How it all began

Elk creek Erie Steelhead

Hey guys!
Hows the fishing? Any luck? Many things in the works for the future of Trout Yeah! I could tell you about all of those but what i am most excited about is the return of the PODCAST!! Finally I will get to speak my mind, have some fishing reflections, and drop some serious trout talk, and share scary tales from the crick!
*Our wild brown trout who are of age are currently, or already have, or are about to spawn. Lets give them some space for baby making. While they do their thing we have been focused on steelhead.
For now we travel mup north...
And back in time...
It all started many years ago in a picturesque mint green lake Erie ditch where i met Josh for the first time.
There are many parts to this story but i will only share a portion of the first few moments of what was two best friends to be - Trout Yeah.
Josh was just upstream from me where i had been fishing all morning with a little luck. I thought i had done well until I witnessed a light shining down from heaven on a young Josh Miller, flopping silver footballs into his net one after another.
“How many did you just catch outa there?Where is your indicator? What are you getting them on?”
Of course Josh, being extremely gracious, showed me the way. He watched me with a big grin begin to miss the strikes of fish after fish. I had been catching fish by accident before but now i was catching them on purpose. My life was forever changed.
Here we are many years later still handing down the secrets that we have learned so that another's life can be changed forever.


The Mighty Elk Crick


Embrace the Cold